Saturday 2 April 2011

Looking At Previous Work- Exploring Your Profession

One way i thought that would help me decide on a area to focus on was too look back over my previous work to see what i enjoyed photographing, what i felt could be improved on and areas i felt where better than others.

Exploring Your Profession 
this was a project in university that was made to help us gain better understanding of the genres within photography and allowed me to look at several areas i was interested in or wanted to try.

 Lanscape Photography
Although i enjoy taking photographs like this it is not something i can imaging myself doing all the time and i feel there are other area which i feel stronger about.

Architectural Photography
When researching this genre of photography i found it was something that i enjoyed looking at and wanted to try for myself having seen plenty of opportunities in the past but never tried it out.

 Architectural Photography
I was pleased with how my photographs turned out from my first attempt at Architectural photography and although i enjoyed it very much i feel i know very little about the subject and would struggle to keep myself interested in this area having to find ten images in such a short time.

 Fashion Photography
When i first started university i thought i wanted to look at fashion photography, but when i was handed this brief to work on and did this shoot i began to realise how hard it was for me, and although i feel this image isn't terrible, i know it isn't one of my best.
Travel Photography
Even though this was only taken in London, it was somewhere i had never been before and i loved documenting what i was seeing in such a busy place. i feel that this genre of photography is something i would do in my own time rather than basing a university project on it.

Product Photography
I really enjoyed the product photography genre and felt comfortable in the studio working with object and controlling and changing the light to make the image work.
This is something i may consider looking at for my new brief.

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