Thursday 28 April 2011

Stewarts park

i missed my studio session that i had booked 27th april at 12:30
i managed to take some photographs at my local park, Stewart's park has statues and monuments and totem poles, and i thought i could get some nice photographs whilst it was sunny, but once i got there the park had changed a lot and was undergoing changes which involved lots or workers diggers and fenced areas. i tried my best to get the best photographs i could.


second shoot

today i plan to shoot a variety of things, i feel i am struggling with my ideas and coming up with slogans to make them a advertisement product

i have a few ideas although i feel they may  not work:
clear umbrella- water droplets on it- save it for a rainy day
Buddha Lucky Larger-show other Buddhas and 'Lucky' slogan possibly symbols
Fish eye camera- with booklet
Walkman phone with box and head phones
brownie camera and new camera

Thursday 7 April 2011

Trainer Advertisements

Trainer Advertisements

Three Great Shoe Advertisement Examples in Print

An attractive in-store display of sneakers, stilettos or sports footwear neatly presented on rows of shoe hangers is bound to attract consumers’ attention; however, it takes more than stylish footwear hangers and in-store promotions to promote a footwear brand – a well-executed shoe advertisement that send the right message about the product and projects the desired brand image will be the thing that sends consumers flocking to the nearest shoe retailer. Below are some great examples of print advertisements for popular shoe brands – these advertisements have appeared in fashion and sports magazines, reaching the target audience with highly visual communication and a clear message.

The agency, McCann Erickson, needed a creative way of bringing across a simple message with this shoe advertisement: “Nike shoes are faster than competing brands”. Their solution was to show an in-store shoe display in which non-Nike shoes have been replaced with tortoises. The visual metaphor packs a punch and brings a smile to the face of the consumer. Simple and sophisticated, this Nike shoe advertisement is a sure-fire winner.

New Balance
Advertising agency Los Quiltros of Santiago also used a visual metaphor, but in this case the shoe advertisement appeals to the emotions of the consumer, rather than their desire to compete. The advertisement reads “Run with the Heart”, and is clearly aimed at an audience who love running for the personal joy it brings them, rather than those who wish to outrace their opponents. By comparing the New Balance and Nike running shoe advertisements, we can immediately see how the same advertising format can be tailored to communicate with different types of consumers.

Unibratec Advertising School in Brazil created the “Skateboard” shoe advertisement to appeal to young urban consumers who enjoy skating and are fans of the fashionable Converse All Star brand. Once again, this shoe advertisement demonstrates a simple yet clever visual metaphor that can be instantly understood by the target audience.

The creative shoe advertisements listed above are just a few of the best examples showing how print advertising can be used to capture the attention of certain groups of consumers. There are hundreds of great new examples constantly being created by some of the world’s top agencies for the most popular brands on the market. If you can think of a shoe advertisement that captured your imagination recently, share it with AdMadness – we’d love to hear your thoughts!


My first shoot for this project i decided to photograph a range of products as i had alot of ideas for item i already owned.

My first idea was to photograph Nike trainers that are influenced by pop art i wanted to then expand the detail on the back of the trainer off the object and onto the page with the Nike tick being extended also, creating more pop art graphics around the trainer.

Sunday 3 April 2011


Negotiated Learning Plan - Study Proposal                                                                 

Commercial Photography

Level 2

Work Related Final Project

Academic Year

Student Name
Rachel Trainor



Please refer to your Module Handbook for the Learning Outcomes

Proposal - Title
A New Portfolio


I have decided to focus on product advertising as i think this will allow me to improve my skills in the studio whilst working on an area that i have really enjoyed in previous projects.
Product advertising will give me an opportunity to think of slogans and eye catching images with the view to attract the consumer.
Within this i can look at other areas of photography that will link back to advertising a product for example perfume or a hair product, advertising this could involve an image of the product but also a model used to make the photographs more effective having incorporated this into my idea of product advertising it will give me a chance to possibly work with models which is an area i feel i need to improve on.

Associated Research

Look advertisements used in stores, magazines and online.
Research other product photographers.

Learning Goal

To become more confident in the studio.
Feel comfortable working with and directing models.
Having the ability to create an idea that will work to advertise a product.
Refer to Assignment/Project Brief for Assessment Criteria                             


Saturday 2 April 2011

look at baby photos and recent product photography
write down ideas
and how i can improve on past work
taking things from work.
look at magazines and other stores and websites.
mums black bag
hand prints- make your mark
white vase from work
converse tied together. converse badge
sunglasses LONDON with skyline at the bottom or coming off the side
union jack pillows bundles
Charlie bear with foot prints coming off
disney characters
lots of buddahs candles up close
coffee, beans.
typewrited necklace.
ipod with head phones tuning into music notes
hair photography... hair spray, surf hair, shagged out,
mascara skyline
baby photographs
glass/see through items
metal pear at work

Deciding On a Subject-A Day In The Life Of

Documentary photography has always been an interest of mine and i wanted to try it in this university brief, i decided to document my mums day, and here some images from that...

I really enjoyed taking these photographs and i am pleased with the outcome, but having now taken these images i don't want to base my final project on documentary photography.

Looking At Previous Work- Exploring Your Profession

One way i thought that would help me decide on a area to focus on was too look back over my previous work to see what i enjoyed photographing, what i felt could be improved on and areas i felt where better than others.

Exploring Your Profession 
this was a project in university that was made to help us gain better understanding of the genres within photography and allowed me to look at several areas i was interested in or wanted to try.

 Lanscape Photography
Although i enjoy taking photographs like this it is not something i can imaging myself doing all the time and i feel there are other area which i feel stronger about.

Architectural Photography
When researching this genre of photography i found it was something that i enjoyed looking at and wanted to try for myself having seen plenty of opportunities in the past but never tried it out.

 Architectural Photography
I was pleased with how my photographs turned out from my first attempt at Architectural photography and although i enjoyed it very much i feel i know very little about the subject and would struggle to keep myself interested in this area having to find ten images in such a short time.

 Fashion Photography
When i first started university i thought i wanted to look at fashion photography, but when i was handed this brief to work on and did this shoot i began to realise how hard it was for me, and although i feel this image isn't terrible, i know it isn't one of my best.
Travel Photography
Even though this was only taken in London, it was somewhere i had never been before and i loved documenting what i was seeing in such a busy place. i feel that this genre of photography is something i would do in my own time rather than basing a university project on it.

Product Photography
I really enjoyed the product photography genre and felt comfortable in the studio working with object and controlling and changing the light to make the image work.
This is something i may consider looking at for my new brief.

Deciding On a Subject

When we were first given the brief i had no idea what area i wanted to focus on, i still don't have an idea on which genre of photography i enjoy most as i am still learning and finding this out for myself.
I found it easier to first think about what areas i didnt want to look at:

the reason for this is i either don't feel interested in the area or feel that previous attempts of certain areas have been unsuccessful.

Studio Sessions

Studio Sessions

6th April 2011
Studio 2

27th April 2011
Studio 2

28th April 2011
Studio 2

4th May 2011
Studio 1

5th May 2011
Studio 2

The brief

HE Assignment/Project Brief


Commercial Photography

Work-Related Final Project

Academic Year/Date

A New Portfolio

The Work-Related Final Project module enables students to demonstrate the culmination of knowledge and skills on an increasingly independent basis in the context of a live project or industry work experience. This requires the production and presentation of work to an appropriate professional standard and is intended to reflect the focus on the individual as a practitioner. Positioning this module towards the end of the academic year increases the opportunity of extending the period of work experience, possibly into permanent employment.

You are required to produce a portfolio of Ten new images. Working within a genre(s) of your choice you will propose and negotiate a personal project using the NLP system that reflects your intended area of work within the commercial photographic industry. 

Negotiated Learning Plan
  • This is a document which you will develop during the first week
  • It will be submitted on Wed 30th March and agreed / revised in Tutorials on Tues 5th April
  • It will reflect the direction of future professional aspirations
  • It will show a breadth of abilities,
  • You should discuss how the work relates to Professional Photography

This module is designed to bring together all of your learning   so far into a cohesive new body of work.

To be handed in on Thursday 12th May 4.30pm

Timetable:  Weeks 22-30

Programme leader verification: Signed:                                                           Date:               

HE Assignment/Project Brief

Commercial Photography

Work-related Final Project
Academic Year/Date

A New Portfolio
Learning Outcomes — Knowledge and Understanding
Work required; This has been devised to enable you to achieve the learning outcomes for this module.

  • A Negotiation Plan to be submitted by  Wednesday 30th March

  • A  New Portfolio of at least 10  Prints

  • A Research Journal/Web Log documenting your ideas/research/planning/costs etc.

  • A CD of your final images with all images as a folder of Tiffs and a folder of web ready j-pegs
§  Analyse and apply subject knowledge of commercial photography, including moral and legislative constraints, to a range of activities
§  Effectively generate ideas in response to a negotiated brief

Learning Outcomes — Cognitive/Intellectual Skills
§  Interpret and apply relevant research from a range of sources to the development of ideas and concepts
§  Apply intellectual enquiry and a wide range of theory to own practice

Learning Outcomes — Practical/Professional Skills
§  Demonstrate effective use of appropriate technologies relevant to project aims
§  Liaise effectively with outside agencies and parties to meet the requirements of the brief with increasing independence

Learning Outcomes — Key Transferable Skills
§  Demonstrate effective independent learning and reflective practice
§  Select and apply appropriate specialist IT skills

Staff name: Richard Whitehead/Antony Chambers/Matt Case

Deadline: Wednesday 12th  May  2011  4.30 p.m. Room TBA