Wednesday 11 May 2011

lighting glass bottles

Still life photographers capture the image of various objects and landscapes. Due to their transparent nature, glass bottles are different from opaque objects when it comes to accurately photographing their shape and form. The manipulation of the lighting, background and angle of the bottle are all essential for creating a photograph that represents the glass bottle's true-life look.



things you'll need:

  • Macro camera lens with low apertures
    • 1
      Set up the glass bottle against a well-lit, neutral backdrop. Remove any objects on the wall, or cover the wall with a sheet. Use bright lighting on the background to remove any shadows or shades that might interact negatively with the transparent surface of the glass bottle.
    • 2
      Turn off the camera's flash, and use natural, indirect lighting. A flash is too bright and will create glare off of the glass surface, while natural lighting allows the color and shape of the bottle to come into play.
    • 3
      Aim the camera, and look through it at the glass bottle. Look for any reflections that may be capturing unnecessary settings, such as yourself or someone else in the room. Adjust your position so that such reflections do not appear.
    • 4
      Take a picture. Adjust yourself and continue shooting photographs. Experiment with zooming in or out so that the glass bottle fills the lens. Glass bottles are difficult subjects to photograph due to their subtle nuances. Move around and try different angles, such as looking down or up at the bottle. Review the final images and select the photographs that you wish to keep.

 this photograph came up several times whilst i was looking at cosmetics although i am not sure where with would fit in, as the rings would distract attention away from the nail varnish

Here is a selection of the John White advertising campaign for 2008, these adverts will appear in Trade magazines including the fashion weekly magazine "Drapers" and Consumer magazines including the bestselling quality men's magazine "GQ"
Personally, in North America we can't handle ads like this but in Europe this is nothing to edgy at all. In case you did not notice, John White is in the shoe business out of Milan, Italy. Did you even notice the shoes?


This is another photographer i came across when researching advertising photographers. 
i am thinking about photographing trainers and wanted to find photographers who do the same, this images is for converse and even though it doesn't show the trainer it shows the logo which is well known and it has shown me that i dont necessarily need to photograph the trainer to advertise the product of a well known brand.

Tuesday 10 May 2011

peggy sirota

This photograph really stood out to me amongst all the other ones on Peggy Sirotas website, there is several things i like about this image, the circle of starfish and pebbles on the sand, i also like the writing on the side that reads'wish you were here' the text doesn't take the attention away from the main focus of the photograph which is the model yet it is still legible. I really like the simplicity of the image and composition, this is another way of advertising a product, my research like this really helps me broaden my ideas as i struggle to sometimes think of new ways to photograph products and sometimes don't even think about using a model.

The reason for choosing this image was because of the natural and relaxed poses of the model this is something that i would want in my own photography as i think sometimes posed models can look fake and awkward. the photographer has incorporated the GAP logo in the top corner, so this photograph now advertises a product.

howard schatz

these three images above are from Howard Schatz advertising photography portfolio there is alot of his work that i really like and i spent a long time looking through most of it online. the photographs above are a series for Nexcare plasters, they aren't what i expected for this type of product the images are dark yet soft and in black and white with the product in colour. i don't usually like to mix black and white with colour but i feel in this case it works well and i may consider this when i come to take my photographs as it makes the product that i am advertising stand out.

I picked this image just to help with my ideas for this project, i need to try and remember that to shoot products doesn't always mean to show a plain and simple image of the product, it can include anything i want and can be tied into the product with a logo or slogan and even a small photograph of the product within the final image.

This photograph caught my eye because of the bright colours and white background, i then realised when i looked closer that they where people who had been painted and positioned into the shape of water droplets, i think this is very effective and i haven't seen anything like this before.